Despite its name, poker is a game of gambling and strategy. Players ante for their cards (the amount varies depending on the variation) and then bet into the center of the table. The highest hand wins. The betting continues clockwise until the players in the hand have folded or called. Then a new round of betting takes place. This process is repeated until everyone has called or folded. If you lose your hand, you’re out.
The game originated in Germany and developed into a French version called “Poque” in the 1830s. This French version was played on riverboats on the Mississippi. It was adapted and shortened to form the modern game of Poker. In the early twentieth century, a rule about drawing cards during the Civil War was added. In addition to these versions, Stud Poker and other forms of the game were developed at around the same time. Today, there are literally hundreds of variations of the game. You can play for pennies or win thousands of dollars professionally.
Before a hand is dealt, players must contribute an ante. This gives the pot an immediate value. A player can also make an all-in bet, which places all of his or her chips into the pot. Depending on the value of the hand, the ante is worth at least $5. Once the ante is paid, a player must raise a minimum of two cards. This is known as a “bet size” and is an essential part of winning the game.