What is a Slot?



The slot is a noun that originally meant “to provide with a slot or cut a slot in something.” Its most popular sense today is “to put something into a slot.” A related meaning, “to take a position or fit something into a slot,” comes from 1888. This sense is obsolete, but still a popular alternative to slot. The slot area is the area between the faceoff circles, also called the scoring area.

The word slot is derived from the late 14c. French esclot, a word of uncertain origin. The word is also found in Old Norse, where the word slod is a synonym for slot. The first recorded use of the word slot dates back to the 1520s. It was not until 1888 that the word slot began to refer to slots in machines. However, today, slots have more practical applications than just storing things.

A computer’s processor is connected to the computer through slots. Originally, the slots were designed to make it easier to upgrade the processor. In 1997, the Intel Corporation released the original slot. AMD later released the Slot A, which is not compatible with the original slot. In 1999, Intel followed suit and released the Slot 2, a larger slot that was used for Pentium II processors. While slots were once a common part of many older computers, they are now no longer used in new ones. In order to make the most of a slot’s features, it is wise to learn what a slot is.

The slot is a metaphor for class. The old town of San Francisco was divided by the Slot, an iron crack that ran down Market Street. Freddie Drummond, who was an immigrant from Jamaica, crossed the Slot. His name was Bill Totts and he had class consciousness as much as the average workman. But his hatred for scabs was far greater than the average union man. In the end, it is a satire about class.